Westglenn Metropolitan District
The Westglenn Metropolitan District (the "District") is a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado located in the County of Jefferson, Colorado. The District was organized on June 7, 1985 and is governed by the Colorado Special District Act, § 32-1-101, et seq., C.R.S.
The District boundaries are in Westminster, Colorado, east of Wadsworth Blvd, north of West 89th Blvd., and south of West 92nd Avenue. See the District Map for complete location details. The 2024 assessed valuation of property within the District as determined by Jefferson County Assessor was $42,578,148. The District is funded primarily through a property tax mill levy.
The District was organized to design, construct, acquire, operate and maintain public improvements, including water, sanitation, street improvements, and traffic safety controls. The District owns and operates the Westglenn Park, which includes open space, sidewalk, basketball court, and gazebo amenities.
To learn more about the District, please attend one of the District's open public meetings, held on the third Friday of each month.